
St Martin’s Reception children are extremely excited to have a blog and the opportunity to share our work with a real world-wide audience. However, it’s very important that we keep the blog a safe and secure place to work, so please take a minute to read the guidelines, before exploring the rest of the blog and commenting on our work; we are really looking forward to reading your comments! In fact, why not subscribe to our blog by going to the link at the bottom of the page, then you need never worry about missing a post.

What’s on our blog?

The blog contains a wealth of information and work. We use it to showcase the work we are proud of, to set problems and challenges, collect ideas and other things, too. You can see photographs, video clips and audio recordings which all tell you about what we have been up to.

There are also many links to other interesting and useful things on the internet which help us learn. There are so many things there to look at and find out about. Of course, as it’s a blog, you can also comment on anything that you see on there!

There is also a page for parents and carers which we use for keeping you up to date with newsletters and the weekly note.



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