Weekly Note wb 18th Dec


Posted by mrshynes | Posted in Weekly Notes | Posted on December 15, 2017

Dear Parents / Carers,

What a busy week! We have had so much fun. Thank you all for your donations of party food. The children had a great time but are very tired and looking forward to a lovely Christmas break.

On Monday the children have a normal day and must remember their book bags so we can send home an extra book for the holidays. We have very limited stocks of books at the moment and are waiting for new ones to arrive in January. Please check if you have any at home that can be returned as they are an expensive resource.

On Tuesday the children finish school at 1pm. Please send a little snack for break time and no lunch. The children can also come to school in a Christmas jumper / mufti for a 50p donation to LEPRA.

We hope you all have a fantastic Christmas holiday and look forward to seeing you in the new year.

Reception Teachers

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